Guangzhou: About 30% Of Children's Apparel Substandard

During a review of children's apparel, toys and stationery before the International Children's Day, Guangzhou Municipal Quality Inspection Bureau found that about 30% of children's apparel sold in the Guangzhou market is substandard.

GMQIB checked 29 batches of children's clothes and they found that about 70% of the clothes were up to standard. The main problem of these substandard clothes is said to be the use of illegal dyes and excessive formaldehyde. The former reportedly will cause cancer and the latter will cause respiratory and skin inflammation; irritation to the eyes; and maybe even cause cancer. In addition, the color fastness and fiber content of these clothes also do not reach the relevant standards in China.

The manufacturers of substandard clothes are Guangzhou Kaiyu Trade Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Gaoteng Clothes Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Yibai Apparel Co., Ltd.

Compared with clothing, the result for toys was better. Only one type of toy was said to be substandard. The substandard toy maker is Guangzhou Dongxin Electronics Co., Ltd.

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