Wuxi PharmaTech Signs New Collaboration Agreement with Pfizer

Wuxi PharmaTech has signed a new three-year, in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion collaboration agreement with Pfizer.

Wuxi PharmaTech has enjoyed a close and cooperative relationship with Pfizer for many years, with collaborations ranging from synthetic chemistry, parallel medicinal chemistry, and ADME, to bioanalytical services.

Under the new collaboration agreement, Wuxi PharmaTech in partnership with Pfizer will establish ADME assays to provide in vitro screening services on compounds Wuxi PharmaTech synthesizes for Pfizer.

"A high quality and flexible Asia R&D partnership network is critical to Pfizer's emerging market and Asia strategy. We want to build strong relationship with leading contract research organizations such as Wuxi PharmaTech to tap into the scientific talents and R&D capabilities in Asia," commented Dr. Steve Yang, vice president and head of Asia R&D at Pfizer.

The evaluation of ADME properties is a key step in the drug discovery and development process. Wuxi will evaluate ADME properties for Pfizer compounds with the goal of providing this key information to assist Pfizer scientists to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of their compounds.

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