Hangzhou Home For 3DLABS' New Center

3DLABS Semiconductor is reinforcing its commitment to the Asia Pacific market by establishing a design and technical support center in Hangzhou.

The team is headed by Hasan Gadjali, VP of Sales and Business Development, responsible for Asia Pacific and United States regions. Prior to joining 3DLABS, Mr. Gadjali led emerging business development for Omnivision's CameraChip in markets such as mobile phones, gaming and notebook PCs. Gadjali brings more than 20 years of electronics industry experience to the team.

"We feel it's essential to have local expertise to effectively support our partners in Asia. Not only are there the language barriers that need bridging but customer requirement also differ." commented Tim Lewis, 3DLABS' director of marketing. "This new team is a strong component of our Asia Pacific commitment and is set to expand."

The DMS-02 is a multi-core System-On-Chip that combines two ARM 926 cores with 3DLABS's proprietary SIMD array processor and an industry standard set of peripheral functions. The fully programmable array performs all the media intensive tasks such as 2D/3D graphics, video encode/decode and image processing, offloading the ARM cores, leaving them free to run CPU friendly tasks.

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